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Brobackenslänten - Tillväxten

Down to the River Säveån in the centre of Lerum

This perennial garden is beautifully laid out with hedges on a lovely site that slopes down to the River Säveån in the centre of Lerum.

It was originally designed as an organic vegetable garden in 2015 by Simon Irvine. He has since transformed it into a more permanent display of plants. 
An old smithy and a lodging house used to stand on either side of the site. Brittagården provided comfortable accommodation and meals for many guests until the mid 1930s. The landlady served fresh bread for breakfast, from her brother's bakery next door.



Växtrum i Lerum

Bagges Torg

443 80 LERUM

Telefoon: +46 302-521000

E-mail: vaxtrumilerum@lerum.se

Website: vaxtrumilerum.se