Wreck safari on Lake Vänern
Together with Lidköping’s Vänern Museum, Destination Läckö-Kinnekulle has put together a guided tour of wrecks to explore from boats or kayaks, starting out from Naven on Kållandsö. Download the Destination Läckö- Kinnekulle app and try a wreck safari! The route can be navigated by kayak, canoe or boat and takes in abandoned shipwrecks with an exciting story behind them.
The wreck safari highlights 20 sights with their stories and several of the wrecks are visible from above and below the water. One is the sloop Lycke, 16 metres long, which was built in 1881 and had several owners until she sank in 1923.
Download our app "Läckö Kinnekulle", look up the guided tour "Wreck Safari" and get ready for an exciting story!
Destination Läckö-Kinnekulle
Nya stadens torg
53131 Lidköping
Telefoon: +46 051020020
E-mail: Zend e-mail
Website: lackokinnekulle.se