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Fotograaf: Monika Manowska

Handens Hus

Craft shop and farm café open in summer

Handens Hus is a beautiful old stone house on the west side of Kinnekulle. It is open during the summer and has a weaving studio, a handicraft shop and antiques for sale. Your coffee is guaranteed to taste that little bit better with a panoramic view over lake Vänern from the café terrace.

Handicrafts, antiques and traditional domestic objects

Handens Hus is beautifully located in Hällekis, on the heights of Kinnekulle, with the impressive Medelplana 12th-century stone church nearby. It is open in the summer and specialises in textile crafts, mainly from the weaving studio on site. You can browse among dozens of mats and plaids, cloths, linen products and towels, some with the house's own design and others from selected Swedish producers.

The weaving studio also has a shop selling antiques and traditional crafts, including garden pots, forged art and other inspiring items for flowerbeds and gardens. It is always fascinating to see what is going on in the weaving studio during your visit.

Summer café with a deep blue view

Enjoy a cup of good coffee with homemade cakes under the parasols on the café terrace, with a panoramic view of the deep blue waters in lake Vänern. And if it should rain, the wood burning stove and freshly brewed coffee will keep you warm in the bright café veranda.

A colorful voven tapestry at Handens Hus.



Handens Hus

Hisingsgården Medelplana

53394 Medelplana

Telefoon: +46 510 54 42 40

E-mail: lena@handenshus.se

Website: handenshus.se