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Things to see and do in Kungälv

Fotograaf: Amplifyphoto/ Markus Holm

Adventure, History, and Scenic Views

Kungälv is a place where history meets adventure. Spend a day by the sea in Marstrand or dive into the past at Bohus Fortress. With hiking trails and stunning landscapes, there’s always something new to explore.

Explore the surroundings of Kungälv on foot

Kungälv municipality offers a wide range of scenic and varied hiking trails. Choose between walking along the cliffs by the sea near Marstrand or exploring the deep forests of Svartedalen.

Two magnificent fortresses to visit

Kungälv is home to not one, but two unique and well-preserved fortresses. Visit these popular landmarks and dive into the region's fascinating history. Perfect destinations for the whole family.

Bohus Fortress by the Göta Älv

This medieval castle has witnessed countless power struggles, with memories of gunpowder and bloody sieges lingering in its centuries-old stone walls. Explore the fortress on your own or join a guided tour.

Carlsten Fortress on Marstrand

Rising on Marstrand Island, Carlsten Fortress offers a commanding view of the surrounding sea and rocky islets. A guided tour will take you through the Prisoner’s Walk, Gallows Hill, Lasse-Maja’s kitchen, and the Fortress Church.