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Skåra Gårdsbageri
Skåra, Kode

Sourdough Bakery with Natural and Organic Ingredients

Authentic bread craftsmanship using traditional methods with natural and organic ingredients. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, or just a snack?

They open at 8 in the morning, and you can come in for a delicious breakfast with freshly baked rolls or perhaps a croissant with homemade jam. Or why not drop by for a flavorful lunch or a delicious take away.

Skåra Gårdsbageri is located in a rural environment between Kode and Marstrand. Here, a variety of bread, buns, and lunches are baked and served, all environmentally friendly and good for you.

A few times a month, they also make pizza with a crispy sourdough crust, topped with homemade tomato sauce and seasonal vegetables.



You can also purchase homemade ice cream made with milk from a nearby organic dairy, crispbread, apple juice, jam, and coffee from a local coffee roastery.

Stop here for a snack and relaxation in a peaceful rural setting as you gaze out over meadows and goats, or take your goodies home to pack a picnic.


Skåra Gårds Bageri

Skåra 111

442 98 Kode

Telefoon: +46 73 059 38 72

E-mail: Zend e-mail

Website: skåragårdsbageri.se/