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Deel van
Stormy Koster Sea.

Fotograaf: Anders Tysklind

Safety and rules


In view of the delicate nature involved, special rules apply to the national park.

Complete regulations can be found on the information boards out in the national park or at:

Note that adjacent to the park, there are areas that are nature reserves. They include the Koster islands, Nord Långö, Rossö, Saltö and the Väderö islands. For them other rules can apply for visitors. Check the signs at the respective reserves or go to:

Important to know:

From May 15 until August 31, there is a maximum speed limit of 5 knots in some parts of the national park.

Respect the seal and bird sanctuaries. Maintain a distance of at least 100 metres!

It is fine to:

  • Bring along your dog, but it should be on a leash.
  • Build a fire in designated places. OBS! You should of course always be careful when you grill in nature. This is especially important in the spring and summer, when the forest can be very dry. In the spring and summer it is sometimes forbidden to light fires or grill in the
    forest and on open land. You must always find out which rules apply before you
    light a fire. Information fire ban: https://www.msb.se/en
  • Moor and anchor in the same place for a maximum of two consecutive days.
  • Pull up canoes and kayaks on shore as long as they are not positioned so that they block swimming beaches.
  • Pitch a tent for a maximum of two consecutive days in the same place. In South Koster and North Koster, pitching a tent is not allowed, except in campsites. During the July 1-August 15 period, tents are not allowed between 10:00 and 18:00 on Tenholmarna, Burholmen, Bockholmen and Store Bror.

But you may not:

  • Bike or operate motor vehicles anywhere but on designated roads.
  • Dig up plants, pick oysters, remove or rearrange stones.
  • Pull up or moor your boat or anchor closer than 50 metres from swimming beaches.
  • Run your boat motor at idling speed or use a motorised charger.
  • Anchor, fish with a bottom trawl and use tackle that can damage bottoms in areas where bottom protection applies.