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sunset over the sea

Fotograaf: Anders Tysklind

Frequently asked questions

Here we have gathered some frequently asked questions from our visitors.
If you have questions that you can't find answers to, please contact the nature center Kosterhavet:

E-post: naturum.kosterhavet@lansstyrelsen.se

Telefon: 010-224 54 00


Activities & Experiences

When is the best time to visit the national park?

It depends on what you want to see and experience. Many people think that summer is the best time, but we recommend visiting from May until late autumn. 

Hike in Kosterhavet?

Yes, there are popular areas adjacent to the park that are nature reserves, including on Kosteröarna, Nord Långö, Rossö, Saltö, and Väderöarna. All of these reserves offer beautiful coastal hikes. Read more about the nature reserves>>

Can you book an archipelago tour, kayaking, diving, or maybe a fishing trip with a boat and fishing guide?

In Kosterhavet, there are many opportunities to experience the archipelago from the water. Here are tips for activities on and under the surface >>

Paddle in the national park, how does the rental work?

Kayaks (some also have SUP) are available for rent on Kosteröarna, as well as in Grebbestad and Grönemad. More information and tips on paddling routes, maps, accommodation, etc. >>

Good information and maps of the archipelago can also be found on the page Sustainable Archipelago >>>

Fun for the whole family?

  • Naturum Kosterhavet on South Koster – A perfect stop for families where children can learn about the unique ecosystem of Kosterhavet. There are interactive exhibits and guided tours tailored for children.
  • Hiking and playing in nature – Kosterhavet offers several easily accessible hiking trails that are great for families with children. For example, the popular trail on South Koster where kids can play and explore nature along the way.
  • Boat trips and sea experiences – Take a boat trip to discover the stunning archipelago. There are family-friendly tours where you can see seals and birdlife up close. Read more 
  • Sandy beaches on the Koster Islands – Children love to play on the beaches! On South Koster, there are several beautiful sandy beaches where you can swim, build sandcastles, or simply relax.
  • Diving and snorkeling (for older children and teenagers) – For those who are a bit older, snorkeling or diving can be a fantastic activity to explore the marine world beneath the surface.

Tips on things to see or visit in the National Park?

  • Visit Naturum Kosterhavet on South Koster Naturum is a fantastic place to start your visit to Kosterhavet National Park. Here, you can learn about the park's unique ecosystem through interactive exhibits and gain insight into marine life. They also offer guided tours, making it an ideal spot for both families and nature enthusiasts.
  • Experience marine life – Boat trips and seals A boat trip around the Kosterhavet archipelago is a must. During the tour, you can see seals and birdlife up close. There is also the opportunity to visit remote islands, such as Burholmen and Tenholmarna by kayak, and enjoy the untouched nature. Visit website>>
  • Hike on the Koster Islands The Koster Islands offer several beautiful hiking trails that give you a chance to experience the magnificent nature. Hike along the coast or on the easily accessible trails on South Koster and North Koster.
  • Snorkeling Kosterhavet is known for its rich marine life. If you're interested in diving or snorkeling, there are several arrangements where you can explore the amazing life beneath the surface, including flowers, fish, and perhaps even seahorses. There is one snorkel trail by Rörvik beach on South Koster.

Other questions

Can you bring a dog to the national park?

Of course, you can! Just remember that the dog must be kept on a leash when visiting the national park and the nearby nature reserves managed by the national park administration.

Can I collect twigs and branches from the ground to make a fire?

No, that is not allowed. Fires are only permitted in designated areas, and you must bring your own firewood. The twigs that remain on the ground are important for the park's insects.

How does camping work in the national park? Can I camp anywhere or are there designated sites?

Yes, you can camp, but keep in mind the following:

  • You can camp for a maximum of two consecutive nights at the same location.
  • Camping is prohibited on the South and North Koster islands, except at the Nordkoster campsite.
  • From July 1 to August 15, camping is prohibited between 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM on Tenholmarna, Burholmen, Bockholmen, and Store Bror.
  • Respect seal and bird protection areas. Keep at least 100 meters away!

Note that there are nature reserves adjacent to the park, including on Kosteröarna, Nord Långö, Rossö, Saltö, and Väderöarna. Different rules may apply for camping in these areas. Visit the website of the County Administrative Board of Västra Götaland for information on the regulations in our nature reserves.

Transport & Traffic to Koster Islands

When do the boats run in Kosters archipelago?
The boats run all year round. During high season, there are several tours every day. See timetable here.

From where do the boats depart?
The boats depart from the main square Torget in central Strömstad town. 

Where do I buy tickets for the archipelago boat tours?
You buy tickets on board the boat and you can pay with card.

Is there serving on board the boats?
Yes, there is quite simple serving on board (e.g. coffee, soda, buns).

Can I bring my dog on the Koster boat?
Yes, you can bring your dog on the boat (also wheelchair and stroller).
Some ask if you can bring a bike and kayak on board and it is possible.