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Deel van
Entré Saltö/Tjärnö

Fotograaf: Anders Tysklind


All entrance areas in Kosterhavet National Park are accessible for disabled persons. You can get to all entrances except for the Naturum visitor centre by car.

At the Rossö entrance there is a ramp to the entryway and a lift to the upper level.

To get to the Naturum visitor centre on South Koster, you must ride a boat. Public transport, Kosterbåtarna/the Koster Boats, is adapted for the disabled. From the jetty at Ekenäs on South Kloster, there is a 200-m asphalt road to Naturum. In Naturum you can get around by wheelchair, and in the auditorium there are two wheelchair places. In the exhibition there are audio guides in English, German and Arabic. The texts in the exhibitions are written in simple Swedish.

WCs for the disabled are in Naturum and at the Saltö and Rossö entrances.

The hiking trails are clearly marked, but they vary in degree of difficulty from level gravel roads to rubble stone.