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Per-Göran about our wooden town

  • Visit Hjo - Hjo turistinformation

Conserving our wooden town, is an important part of Hjo’s history and future.

My name is Per-Göran Ylander. I worked as a town architect here in Hjo for almost 30 years. A lot of my work focused on conserving our wooden town, which is an important part of Hjo’s history and future.

Hjo is unique in Sweden thanks to the number of well-preserved, beautiful wooden houses. Hjo is a nice compact town situated close to most things you might need and, together with the wooden town setting by the shores of Lake Vättern, this makes Hjo a wonderful place in which to live.

I have the pleasure of living in the heart of this, in the old part of Hjo, just a couple of hundred metres from the town square. This is also where most of our award-winning, wooden buildings can be found.