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Fotograaf: Jan Andersson

Fishing guides

To get the most out of your fishing experience, it is advisable to take advantage of one of the local fishing guides! They know where the finest fish are and what they are looking for. You get out on the lakes using their fishing boats and get access to equipment that may be needed.

These guides are available in Fiskeland area:

Sportfishing Dalsland, Andy van Assema

Professional guiding service specialized in pike fishing on many different lakes and in the archipelague of Vänern. All kind of different rods and lures available to use. Join us and experience clear water strikes of the biggest pikes! More about Sportfishing Dalsland here!

Sportfishing Dalsland website

The fishing guide Thomas

Fishing guide from Germany located in Dals-Ed. 

Thomas website


To be included as a recommended guide, the above companies have met these quality requirements (document in Swedish). However, it is up to you as a customer to investigate that the requirements still apply.