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About Fiskeland.se

Welcome! You have come to Fiskeland.se, owned by Dalslands Turist AB (Dalsland Tourism Board), which is a meeting place for everyone interested in sport fishing tourism!

Johan Abenius VD Dalslands Turist AB


Our geographical area includes Dalsland, Årjäng and Östfold in Norway. Here you can find fast and valuable information about fishing waters, accommodation, boat rentals, fishing licenses, fish guides, etc. as anglers and visitors.

Fiskeland.se is not just for those who are already "full-fledged anglers" but also for you who go "fishing sometimes". You who may fish a little on holiday with the family or want to "try" to fish also have every opportunity to succeed in our area. 

Our hope is that you who visit the fishing area will find the service and products you expect and to have an unforgettable fishing experience!


Dalslands Turist AB
Johan Abenius CEO