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Viewtower of Mösseberg.

Fotograaf: Johan Lindwert

The observation tower on Mösseberg

The observation tower on Mösseberg is 35 metres in height with just over 200 steps. A climb to the top is well worth the effort – you’ll be rewarded with fantastic views of Falköping and Falbygden!

The history of the observation tower

In 1901, the board of the local spa resort (Mössebergs Vattenkuranstalts Aktiebolag) decided that an observation tower should be built on Mösseberg. The tower was constructed the following year and opened on 28 May 1903. It is one of just a few towers in Sweden built from stone with its only function being as a viewpoint. When it first opened, visitors would pay 25 öre per person to go up the tower. Nowadays there is no entry fee.

In 1993-1994, the tower underwent an extensive restoration process, with the aim of restoring it to its original condition as far as possible. Today the tower is a listed building under the Historic Environment Act.


Large car park around 200 metres from the tower.