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Fotograaf: Tuana Fridén

Falbygdens Osteria

Cheese paradise in Falköping

In Falköping there is a paradise for cheese lovers. Since 1878 Falbygdens Osteria has been a popular destination for taste adventures in cheese and other specialist foods.

The shop for cheese lovers

In Falbygdens shop you will find products from local producers as well as a wide selection from around the world. Stroll along the 25 metre long cheese counter and find your own favourite cheese. Every year at ten o’clock on the tenth of the tenth Falbygdens busy Christmas market opens its doors.

Woman tasting a piece of cheese that the clerk gives her over a cheese counter.

Fotograaf: Tuana Fridén

The cheese cellar

Maturing in the well stocked cheese cellar are all the good cheeses that will one day be for sale in the shop. You are welcome to join a guided tour of the cellar to hear the history of Falbygdens Osteria, taste these delicious cheeses and see how they are stored in order to develop the best flavours.

Restaurant and cheese tasting

Every day in the restaurant you can sit back and enjoy a buffet of fine delicacies, including tasty cheeses from the Falbygdens selection. Leave some room to round off your meal with homebaked cakes and a coffee. If you’re interested in learning more about the world of cheese, groups can book an exclusive cheese tasting with one of Fabygdens cheese experts.


Would you like more ideas about what you can find nearby? Falbygdens Osteria is a certified InfoPoint where you can pick up brochures and maps and knowledgeable staff can help with your questions about the area.


Falbygdens Osteria

Göteborgsvägen 19

52130 Falköping

Telefoon: +46 515 717 230

E-mail: Zend e-mail

Website: falbygdensosteria.se