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Fotograaf: Henrik Trygg

Best Canoeing Lakes in Europe

In Dalsland you as a canoeist have the opportunity to experience nature closeup, wild and genuine. Feel like an adventurer, find serenity and experienceprivacy even though you are only 180kilometers from Gothenburg and the closest community is not far away.

The campsites provides you with shelters, toilets and dry logs for a warming fire are always near and then not to forget theappealing unique nature of Dalsland.

SWEDENS LAKE DISTRICT - water makes up 25% of the landmass, making Dalsland the most lake-dense province in Sweden, with a 10,000 km² lake system.

CAMPSITES -  over 100 official ones (equipped with permanent fire pits, wood, wind shields, and eco-friendly toilets).

OTHER -  you’ll need a Nature Conservation Card, which can be bought from the Dalsland tourist info offices, and via DANOs webbsite. The Nature Conservation Card help us preserve the area and our beautiful nature for a sustainable nature tourism.

Help on the way

Our knowledgeable canoe rentals can help you with everything from paddle techniques to safety and transportation. They give you tips and suggestions on nice paddling tours tailored to your ability.

Paddle in the lakes of Dalsland


Dalsland Nordmarken

The DANO Lake District, otherwise known as Dalsland-Nordmarken’s lake system, is unique in many ways. The surrounding area is characterized by a hilly landscape with many deeply cut and narrow clear water lakes. This is not a small territory either! DANO District is an area of almost 10.000 square kilometers. DANO - Lake District is created for canoeing.

A large majority of the lakes are long and narrow with almost no waves to speak of. When it’s coffee time and you need some fresh water, just dip the coffee pot into the lake. The water is crystal clear. 

Lake side camp