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Fotograaf: Christiane Dietz

Vångsjöns fishing area

An eutrophic lake with varied shore structure and a large species range

There are shallow coves, steep rock shores and large reed belts providing many interesting fishing sites. Pike, perch, bleak and bream abound, while the stocks of silver bream, rudd, ruffe, eel, burbot and tench are smaller.

Lake Vångsjön can be seen as relatively accessible and easy to fish. You can fish successfully both from the shore and boat using most existing fishing methods. Coarse fishing is popular. The lake is eutrophic and thus teems with fish. As there are plenty of baitfish, it is often best to choose varying colour, such as red and yellow, in order for your lure to stand out. There are several shallow coves that are perfect for jerk-fishing. Our pike are often interested in poppers.

  • Area, hectares -105 ha / 260 acres.
  • Boat ramp- there is a smaller ramp at street no 164.

You can buy a fishing license here

Din X Petrol Station



Vångsjön FVO is part of the municipal fishing license for Dals-Ed.

Map of the municipal fishing license for Dals-Ed
