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Fotograaf: Christiane Dietz

Lilla Le/Timmertjärns Fishing area

In the middle of the Dals –Ed village

A unique, deep, clear water lake whose 60 metre depth rise to steep shores and a very good Secchi dish result. The lake includes stocks of large char and European crawfish (Astacus astacus).

The depth of Lake Lilla Lee makes it perfect for ice-fishing and vertical jigging in both summer and winter. There are large reed belts along the northern shores where coarse- and spin-fishing are excellent. Pike, perch and roach are common, while vendace and char are not.

  • Location: Lilla Le/ Timmertjärn
  • Areal: 82 hektar
  • Goda bestånd av Gädda, Abborre och Mört. Sparsamt med Siklöja och Röding.
  • Fiskeförbud 1 oktober – 20 december pga rödinglek.
  • Endast elmotorer är tillåtna.
  • Guests of the beach have priority.
  • Included in the Dals-Ed's Municipal Fishing Card.

You can buy your fishing card here:

Fiskespecialisten i Ed


Robert van Brakel

E-mail: rvb@el-supply.se