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Gravdalssjöns Fishing area

Gravdalssjön offers good fishing.

Gravdalssjön offers a good fishing. Gravdalssjön is north of Nössemark and is 34 meters deep. The middle height is 171 meters above sea level and the area is 8.02 square kilometers.

• Area: Gravdalssjöns, Deltjärn, Hagetjärn, Försjön, Sämsjön, Nössjön and Kvarnetjärn.
• Fish species: Loach, Pike, Perch, etc.
• Hand tools only.
• Fishing is allowed throughout the year.
• Included in Dals-Ed's Municipal Fishing Card.
• An annual pike fish competition is being organized.

You buy a fishing license here

Fiskespecialist in Ed and Nössemarks Camping.


Ture Olsson

Telefoon: +46 706 99 62 25

Website: Naar Homepage