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Fotograaf: Christiane Dietz

Västra Örekilsälvens fishing area

Rich of fish

Örekilsälven has its source south of Dals-Ed. The Örekilsälven flows over 85 km in the southwest direction through the provinces Dalsland and Bohuslän.

The Örekilsälven River empties into the Gullmarsfjorden below Munkedal and in its southern reaches hosts a much-appreciated fishing opportunity with rising salmon and sea trout. It is a fish rich river with a chance of trout and color in flowing lots. Eel fishing is good in August. Good perch and pike fishing. The humus coloured waterway flows through a varied landscape consisting of both woods and cultivated land.

  • Area: Örekilsälven between Torpfors and Delefors. The stretch Torpfors-Lebo bridge has a fishing ban.
  • Fish species: Pike, perch, roach, eel, trout, chub (Squalius cephalus).
  • Only handheld equipment allowed – spin, casting, fly, coarse fishing rod and ice-fishing.
  • Fishing ban between 1/9 and 11/5 on trout.

You can buy a fishing license here

Gröne Backe Camping & Stugor
Rune Pettersson, Näsbön, tel. +46(0) 534-200 09
You can buy fishing cards at Fiskespecialisten i Ed.

Västra Örekilsälvens Fvo is part of the municipal fishing license for Dals-Ed.

Map of the municipal fishing license for Dals-Ed


Västra Örekilsälvens FVO

Rune Pettersson


Telefoon: +46 534 200 09