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Fotograaf: Christiane DIetz

Svärdlångs Fishing area

Exciting lake for both fishing and recreation

Lake Svärdlång is a downstream of Lake Västra Silen. With a typical Dalsland character, it is one of rift valley lakes in the area. At 14 kilometres, the lake imposing length makes it one of the longest in Dalsland.

Lake Svärdlång has a broader section to the north, but is for the most part stretched out and narrow, with lovely coves and islands. Surrounded by steep cliffs rushing steeply into the water, its obvious wilderness flavour is enhanced by the coniferous forest along its shores and the sparse settlement in the area. It is a very beautiful, exciting lake for both fishing and recreation.

Lake Svärdlång is a long, narrow, clear-water lake with both deeper and shallower sections. It is exciting to travel on the lake through all the narrows and passages, all of which make for excellent fishing. There are many shallows, islets, coves and skerries, all of which join to shape the lake’s special characteristics that, in combination with its size provide the visitor with a total wilderness experience. The views are often spectacular and lovely as the steep cliffs throw themselves into the clear water. Lake Svärdlång teems with fish with pike and perch the dominant species. There is some fine trout as well, though they are hard to persuade. This is a place for meditation and peace, a setting where you can travel a long while without meeting another person.

  • Including: Svärdlång
  • Area: 491,9 ha
  • Fish species: Perch, bream, pike, burbot, roach, whitefish, vendace, eel and trout.
  • Fishing for trout is prohibited from October to March!
  • Greatest depth: app. 40 m.
  • Minimum size for brown trout is 40 cm.
  • Tilled fields, house lots or other fenced properties such as industrial propertied may not be entered.
  • In addition to these rules, the general fishing rule must be followed, including not fishing in the creeks and brooks that feed the lake.
  • Trolling using paravanes and deep rigs is forbidden.
  • At Lake Svärdlång, overnight stays are only allowed at the official DANO campgrounds - Link to DANO. 
  • Respect the bird protection areas.

Boat ramp

Skåpafors (lake’s best slipway) 59° 1'25.21"N / 12°16'36.34"O;
Skifors (simpler gravel slipway) 59° 8'19.17"N / 12°14'47.05"O.

You can buy your fishing license here

Bengtsfors Tourist Office: +46 (0)531-52 63 55


  • Day 50 SEK
  • Week 100 SEK
  • Year 200 SEK
  • Trolling 100 SEK/day

Bengtsfors kommun

666 30 Bengtsfors

Telefoon: +46 531 52 63 55

E-mail: turist@bengtsfors.se