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Fotograaf: Christiane Dietz

Stenebyleden - trail
Dals Långed

Nature experience for all

The hiking trail is about 1.2 km long, consists of wooden trail suitable for both stroller and wheelchair. It is 150 cm wide and extends along the Steneby River and the Steneby nature reserve.

About the trail

Length: 1,2 km
Type of trail: Loop
The hiking trail consists of a path, entirely made of wood, which is 150 cm wide and very easy to walk on. It is of varying height above the ground with railings at the highest points and because the trail follows nature, it is a little bit hilly. There is a small parking lot right at the start of the trail.


Stenebyleden was built by six amateur carpenters between November 2013 and April 2014. No less than 7,000 boards were sawn and about 60,000 screws were used. 

The giant's cauldrons in Steneby

At Steneby church you will find one of Dalsland's exciting traces from the Ice Age - the giant's cauldrons. The giant craters have been formed by flowing water from the mighty ice river that rushed through the area about 10,000 years ago. Some cauldrons are perfectly round and several meters deep. The largest is seven meters deep.


Stenebyleden stretches along a varied and lush nature with large spruces, forests and wetlands. The green along the river forms almost a roof over the runway. In the river there are p. a. pearl mussel and trout but also beaver. Birdlife is varied with permanent residents such as corps, larger woodpeckers and other birds.

The river Stenebyälven has, as a result of the inland ice, the upstream regulation and the untouched nature gained a unique ecology. The water is crystal clear, which provides an excellent prerequisite for pearl mussels, and is useful as drinking water!



Dalslands Aktiviteter

Steneby gård

66010 Dals Långed

Telefoon: +46 531 330 86

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