Östra Silen Fishing area
Lake Östra Silen is an excellent choice when fishing for trout and salmon, as well as for large pike and perch. Next to Lake Västra Silen. This lake has a varied archipelago with many islands and a strong wilderness flavour.
The crystal-clear water and the large stock of vendace provides ideal conditions for salmonoid fishes. The lake is also known as an excellent trolling water. One licence covers the whole lake and there are boat ramps at the southern end, as well as at Signebyn and Hökenäs. You can buy a detailed depth map at the Tourist information in Bengtsfors for 110 sek.
- Including: Östra Silen
- Area: 4050 ha
- Species: pike, perch, roach, whitefish, siklooja, trout, char, gullspångslax, lake, eel, braxen. Good stock of coarse trout and char.
- Young people under the age of 16 can fish for free with hand tools.
- Trolling fishing max 4 rods per boat and max 8 rods per boat.
- Fishing for trout and charring is prohibited from time to time. 1/10 until 31/12.
- Max 3 salmons per day and card.
- Minimum dimensions for trout, roast and salmon are 50 cm.
- Boatramp in the north-western part of Lake Östra Silen
- Boatramp surface: asphalt / concrete
- Parking; dock; GPS: 59.27839, 12.29861 (WGS 84 decimal
You can buy a fishing license here
Shop Silleruds Handel, Tel. +46 (0)573- 401 50
Shop Höglunds Järn, Åmål, Tel. +46 (0)532-121 00
Online: ifiske
- Day: 50 SEK
- Week: 150 SEK
- Year: 300 SEK
- Trolling day: 100 SEK
- Trolling week: 300 SEK
- Trolling Year: 500 SEK
Bengtsfors Turistbyrå
Storgatan 8
66630 Bengtsfors
Telefoon: +46 531 52 63 55
E-mail: turist@bengtsfors.se