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Fotograaf: Christiane Dietz

Nature reserve Buterud
Bengtsfors - Mellerud

Perhaps the richest occurrence of yew- trees in Swedens inland

From the aqueduct in Håverud, you can hike through wild garlic scented deciduous forests over pine and oak forested mountain ridges up to Buterud's nature reserve. Here you have a magnificent view over lake Åklången and the Dalsland Canal. The reserve also contains a number of interesting plant and bird species.

In Buteruds reservat there is perhaps the richest occurrence of yew-trees in Sweden inland. Everywhere you see tree branches in the leafy forests. Here is also the rare bird, white-backed woodpecker. At Glyckshult's farm, the old oak gardens and meadows have been restored. Plenty of orchids bloom here. The reserve is elongated and the terrain is hilly and is best reached by hiking from Håverud or via canoe/boat on the Dalsland Canal. In fact, the area consists of two reserves where the southernmost part is called "Ramslökedalen nature reserve".


The bird-interested may have the most benefit from the area in the early spring morning when most of Sweden's woodpecker species can be heard. The black woodpecker is common, while the gray woodpecker is heard occasionally. The white-backed woodpecker has previously nestled here and has been seen even in recent years.


The nature reserve begins at the road bridge over the Dalsland Canal at the Håverud aqueduct a near Dalsland Center.

Please take note of the reserve's regulations.


Information from Västkuststiftelsen




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