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Fotograaf: Christiane Dietz

Nature Reserve Baldersnäs
Dals Långed

An exotic excursion in that landscape of Dalsland

Baldersnäs is a popular outdoor destination. The beautiful mansion environment, located on a peninsula in Laxsjön, dates back to the 18th century.


Baldersnäs is a nature reserve and one of Dalsland's major tourist destinations. Along the shoreline around the peninsula is an approximately 5 km long hiking trail which is largely free of hills and which offers many beautiful nature views.

Length: 5 km
Time: 1-1.5 hours
Start & finish: Baldersnäs manor, Dals Långed
Marking: Unmarked but clear path

Map of the area

Along the trail there are several nice rest areas and opportunities for swimming. If you want to walk the entire route, you start next to the lower parking lot at Bränneriviken. But it is also possible to start from the manor area. At the tip of the peninsula, called "Världens ände" (The End of the World), there is a larger camp site with toilets, shelter and a fireplace.

About Baldersnäs

The peninsula is a nature reserve since 1975 that is about 103 ha. It was iron industry in Dalsland that created the economic basis for Baldersnäs mension. As more than anyone else, the area is Carl Fredrik Waern, who during his time rationalized and expanded the farm while leaving the park in so-called English style. He created the premier example in Sweden on this garden art and the park won international reputation.

Today, only remains of the magnificent park, with over 240 strange tree species, remain thousands of exotic plants, bridges, walkways and pavilions. Weymouthtall, avenbok and blood book are some of the implanted trees that are still left.

Baldersnäs is still used for farming. With the help of the animals, the landscape of the nature reserve is kept open.

Directions & parking

Baldersnäs is located about 3 km north of Dals Långed. There are signs to the facility from all major roads in the area. There are two larger parking lots at the entrances adjacent to the facility.


  • Restaurant at Baldernäs Mansion. Pre-book!
  • Accommodation at Herrgården
  • The summer café "Café Allé" 
  • Toilets in the barn during the summer.
  • Art & craft shop in the summer
  • Guest harbor

Please take into account the regulations of the reserve

Information from Västkuststiftelsen

Read more about Baldersnäs Mansion




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