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Fotograaf: Jonas Ingman

Krokfors lock, Dalsland Canal

Where the lakes Västra and Östra Silen meet

The Krokfors double lock has a total height difference of 5,3 m. East of the locks, a fixed bridge crosses the canal with a 20 m height clearance and a 4,2 m passage width.

Lock chambers: 2
Elevation: 5,3 m
Duration: 25 min

Opening hours

The Krokfors double lock has a total height difference of 5,3 m. East of the locks, a fixed bridge crosses the canal with a 20 m height clearance and a 4,2 m passage width.West of the locks, a power line with a 13 m clearance crosses the canal. There is a waiting jetty only west of the double lock. There is also a kiosk with a small selection of groceries.

Buy your lock tickets here



Dalslands Kanal AB

Nils Ericsons väg 1, Upperud

464 72 Håverud

Telefoon: +46 530 447 50

E-mail: info@dalslandskanal.se

Website: dalslandskanal.se