Ivägs fishing area
The Lake Iväg is a typical Dalsland lake with clear water and surrounded by the usual mountain and rock shores. The lake has one larger island and ten or so smaller islands and skerries.
The largest input flows are coming from Lake Grann. The lake empties in the NE section into the Stenebyälven River that continues to Lake Laxsjön. The water level can vary by as much as half a meter depending on the season and the weather.
Iväg and half of Relälven
Area: 1136 ha.
Buy your fishing license here
Tourist Office Bengtsfors +46(0)531-52 63 55
Göran Larsson, Steneby, +46 70 521 00 09
Camilla Johansson, Ödskölt, +46 70-147 91 16
Pike, perch, trout, burbot, bream, tench, rudd, roach, bleak, eel, vendace, whitefish, ruffe.
There are plenty of perch and pike and a minor strain of wild trout. If you should go fishing in the lake, a motor boat is required. In spring and early summer, the spin fishing for pike can be very good in the shallow bays. Perch fishing is best from mid-May to early September.
There is no public boat ramp available at the lake.
- Day 50 kr
- Week 75 kr
- Month 100 kr
- Year 250 kr
- Trolling 100 kr/day 4 fishingroutes per boat.
- All fishingliscenses are for the entire family.
Bengtsfors Turistinformation
Tingshustorget 5
66630 Bengtsfors
Telefoon: +46 531 52 63 55
E-mail: turist@bengtsfors.se