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Fotograaf: Gaby Karlsson Hain

Buterud lock, Dalsland Canal

One of two manually operated locks in the Dalsland Canal

Buterud lock is a single lock with a height difference of 0.08 m. From here, the clearance is reduced from 20 to 17 m.

Lock chambers: 1
Elevation: 0,08 m
Duration: 10 minutes

Opening hours

North of the lock in Buterud is a short stretch of canal where boaters should be on the watch for relatively narrow patches where the channel and rapids meet. Boaters coming from the north should be particularly aware of this heavy current issue to allow time to  slow down, moor at the waiting jetty, give the signal and wait for the lock to open.

Buy your lock tickets here



Dalslands Kanal AB

Nils Ericsons väg 1, Upperud

46472 Håverud

Telefoon: +46 530 447 50

E-mail: info@dalslandskanal.se

Website: dalslandskanal.se