Bengtsbrohöljens Fishing area
A popular fishing area south of the Bengtsfors center and a part of the Dalslands kanal.
Bengtsbrohöljens fishing district is located in Bengtsfors community. The fishing license applies only in Bengtsbrohöljen, whose southern fishing limit is 200 m north of the railway bridge at the 20th lock of the Dalslands canal. Fishing in flowing water as well as fishing at the power station in Bengtsfors is not allowed.
- Including: Bengtsbrohöljen, Upper Höljen and Lower Höljen.
- Fish species: Pike, perch, roach, whitefish, burbot, eel, trout, rainbow trout.
You can buy a fishing license here
Tourist Office Bengtsfors: +46(0)531-52 63 55
- day 20 kr / person
- year 80 kr / family
Bengtsfors Turistbyrå
Tingshustorget 1
66630 Bengtsfors
Telefoon: +46 531 52 63 55