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Kajak in the archipelago of Bohuslän

Fotograaf: Lukasz Warzecha

West Swedish paddling reaches over 100 million viewers

Now the whole world is going to have its eyes opened to the unique and fantastic paddling opportunities there are in West Sweden. The American TV programme “Facing Waves” which transmits across the world and is shown on Fox Sports, Outside TV and Nautical Channel, amongst others, has filmed West Swedish paddling over winter, spring and summer.

“Being seen on these channels is an incredibly important piece of the jigsaw puzzle when it comes to putting West Sweden on the international paddling map. With airtime on Fox Sport, Outside TV and Nautical Channel, which reach just over 100 million households altogether, via TV and internet TV, we hit exactly the right target group of tourists interested in paddling and nature, and can hopefully get them interested in West Sweden as a destination,” says Johan Engström, Strategic Developer for Nature Tourism, West Sweden Tourist Board.

Watch the trailer here: 


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“Facing Waves”  is produced by the Canadian company Heliconia, which has worked with Swedish LW Images. In the programme the presenter Ulrika Larsson (from LW Images) is seen in widely differing environments. She paddles in the canals right in the centre of Sweden’s second biggest city, Gothenburg, goes out in temperatures below freezing in Bohuslän’s beautiful, uncrowded archipelago, and also visits Dalsland’s lake rich canal system. When she reaches her destination she meets local business owners involved in everything from paddling and nature experiences to cooking.

“We’re already seeing great interest in the programme. Facing Waves own social media is huge and reaches precisely the right target group.  The Paddle TV YouTube channel has over 37 000 subscribers and 8.5 million viewings to date,” says Johan Engström.

Read more here on how to experience West Sweden from a kayak or canoe