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Fotograaf: Lena Lindberg Wong

The Örnäs area

Popular area for families

The area around Örnäs offers activities, beaches, walking trails, food and ice cream. Not far from the center of Åmål. A popular area for both families and others who likes the nature and fresh air.

Activities for all ages

Örnäs is a popular area for families with children. There are activities for all ages. In summer, the beaches are filled with bathers and sunbathers. You can play mini-golf, tennis and frisbeegolf. Örnäs forest is nice to walk in and there are several barbecue areas in the area.

At Örnäs you will find:

  • Örnäs Camping site
  • Örnäs beaches
  • Örnäs Restaurant and Café
  • Miniature golf
  • Disc golf course
  • A nice playground
  • Tennis courts
  • Outdoor bbq areas
  • Viewpoints
  • Walking trails
  • Outdoor gym
  • The park - Snarhögsgården
  • Villa Örnäs B&B

Åmåls kommun

Gamla Örnäsgatan

66233 Åmål

Telefoon: +46 053217000

E-mail: turism@amal.se