Ömmeln FVO
Lake Ömmeln is located on the border between Åmål and Svaneholm. The fishing area includes the entire lake Ömmeln.
Fish species
Perch, pike, roach, bleak and Lake.
Day: 50 SEK
Week: 100 SEK
No free fishing for children.
Fishing rules
Only fishing with hand gear. Otherwise, general fishing rules apply.
Where to buy a fishing licence
Coop Konsum in Svaneholm - Smedjegatan 1, Svaneholm (Svanskog)
You can also buy your fishing licence online at www.ifiske.se
Fishing without a fishing license is a criminal offense and can lead to a police report, so do not forget to buy a fishing license before you go fishing.
Åmåls Turistbyrå
Hamngatan 3
66231 Åmål
Telefoon: +46 53217098
E-mail: turism@amal.se
Website: dalsland.com/amal