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Ömmeln FVO

A Lake on the border between Åmål and Säffle

Lake Ömmeln is located on the border between Åmål and Svaneholm. The fishing area includes the entire lake Ömmeln.

Fish species

Perch, pike, roach, bleak and Lake.


Day: 50 SEK

Week: 100 SEK

No free fishing for children.

Fishing rules

Only fishing with hand gear. Otherwise, general fishing rules apply.­­ 

Where to buy a fishing licence

Coop Konsum in Svaneholm - Smedjegatan 1, Svaneholm (Svanskog) 

You can also buy your fishing licence online at www.ifiske.se

Fishing without a fishing license is a criminal offense and can lead to a police report, so do not forget to buy a fishing license before you go fishing.


Åmåls Turistbyrå

Hamngatan 3

66231 Åmål

Telefoon: +46 53217098

E-mail: turism@amal.se

Website: dalsland.com/amal