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Fotograaf: Emma Augustsson

Kalvensjöarnas FVO

Two lovely lakes near Åmål

Kalvenlakes (Övre Kalven and Nedre Kalven) from Kroppabron in the north and Åmålsån to Tollebols Kvarn in the south.

Fish Species

The lakes you will find classic freshwater fish such as; pike, perch and roach.


Year: 200 SEK

Month: 150 SEK

Week: 100 SEK

Day: 50 SEK

Children up to 15 years of age fish for free.

Fishing rules

You have the right to fish with hand tools like fishing rod, spinning rod, fly rod and jigging.  You are allowed to use a maximum of two fishing lure behind a boat.

The fishing card is personal and may not be transferred to anyone else.

To fish for crayfish is not allowed because of the risk of transferring crayfish plague to the lake.

Where to buy a fishing license



Map of the lakes


Åmåls Turistbyrå

Hamngatan 3

66231 Åmål

Telefoon: +46 053217098

E-mail: turism@amal.se

Website: dalsland.com/amal