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Fotograaf: Martin Gustavsson

Brukets Godaste

Bread from the wood fired stone oven

At Brukets Godaste they bake with craftsmanship with organic and locally produced flour. In the beautiful shop they sell their delicious muesli, crisp bread, cookies and tasty locally produced artisan food from all over the area.

Sourdough and craftsmanship

Brukets Godaste bakes all their bread with craftsmanship on organic raw materials in the wood fired stone oven. Working with sourdough and slow yeast processes gives tasty, healthy and satisfying bread. Their baked goodies are not only delicious they are beautiful to look at as well.


Brukets Godaste

Fabriksvägen 2

66295 Fengersfors

Telefoon: +46 070 816 97 54

E-mail: info@bruketsgodaste.se

Website: Naar Homepage