Ärran is a 6 km long, narrow lake with various depths. In the Northern- and middle part the lake is about 13 meters deep. In the south part the lake goes deeper, up to max. 32 meter. The lake has dark but clear water and the perch- and pike fishing is good but can be challenging.
Fish species
Pike- and perch are the most common fish, but there is also a good change for rainbow trout.
Day: 50 SEK
Week : 100 SEK
Half a year: 150 SEK
Year: 250 SEK
Family/year: 300 SEK
Trolling: 150 SEK per day, 4 rods max.
Ärrsjöns FVOF offer free fishing for children up to the age of 15.
NOTE! The lake has been subject to investigation (2023) as it is downstream of an old factory and the recommendation is NOT to eat fish or crayfish from the lake.
Fishing Rules
Spin fishing and trolling is allowed. When trolling, max. 4 rods /boat with a specific trolling license needed. It is forbidden to fish close to the trout-farm.
Where to buy a fishing license
Sport Fishing Dalsland
ICA Fengersfors
You can also buy your fishing licence online at www.ifiske.se
Fishing without a fishing license is a criminal offense and can lead to a police report, so do not forget to buy a fishing license before you go fishing.
Additional information
There is good slipway with parking, at Fröskog's guest jetty.
Åmåls Turistbyrå
Hamngatan 3
66231 Åmål
Telefoon: +46 053217098
E-mail: turism@amal.se
Website: dalsland.com/amal