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Photographe: Lars-Gunnar Hallsten


In Ljungskile you will find the beautiful Silverfallet. A fifteen meter high waterfall with breathtaking views of the rapids, the countryside and further away the blue shimmering fjord and the forests of Orustbergen.

Silverfallet, which was originally called Äsettfallet after the old cottage a bit below, you will find only a few hundred meters from Tjöstelserödsbäcken's inflow to Lilla Skarsjön. Tjöstelserödsbäcken falls about 70 meters from here with alternating rapids and calm waters, but Silverfallet is something extra.

Take the opportunity to listen to the chirping of birds from ospreys, great crested grebes, capercaillies, grouse, barn owls or three-toed woodpeckers. These are just some of the birds that nest here.