Walk of Fame
Who does not want to stroll around among the film stars in Trollhättan? Today it's possible thanks to the "Walk of Fame". On Storgatan Street in Trollhättan there are golden stars on the street to show film actors connected with the city.
August 28, 2004, there was glitter and glamor at Storgatan in Trollhättan when the new Walk of Fame was opened. At first there were 12 stars in bronze mounted along the sidewalk. Today, the number has increased and it is now 16 stars.
Take a stroll on Storgatan and see several reasons why Trollhättan got the name "Trollywood". In addition to Storgatan there are Betty Backs Park where there are 14 more stars, representing 14 famous people from the Trollhättan area.
Who can be awarded with a star?
The jury has the opportunity to assign a person based on his / her competence with one star.
The following criterias must be used for assessment:
The person must have a greater impact on in the field of moviemaking as an actor or actress and be connected to Trollhättan. Thus, it may be a person who has filmed a movie in Trollhättan or a person who has filmed a movie outside Trollhättan but still lives here or was born here.
Walk of Fame
46130 Trollhättan
Téléphone: +46 52013509
E-mail: info@visittv.se
Site web: Vers la page d'accueil