Parking in Vänersborg
Vänersborg is a city with good parking, whether for a short time or long-term parking.
Free parking in Vänersborg
In central Vänersborg you can park for free. There are no parking fees, instead you need to use a parking disc (P-skiva) to show at what time you parked on certain short-stay parking spots.
Here you can download an overview of parking areas in central Vänersborg.
Parking disc (P-skiva)
In the central parts of Vänersborg, where the allowed parking time is limited to 1-4 hours, you need to use a parking disc, this is always shown with a sign. You set the arrival time on the parking disc and the car can stay parked there for the amount of time shown on the sign (1-4 tim, in Swedish).
You can buy a parking disc in most stores in Vänersborg as well as at the Vänersborg Tourist Center.
Vänersborgs kommun
Sundsgatan 29
462 85 Vänersborg
Téléphone: +46 521 72 10 00
Site web: Vers la page d'accueil