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Brinkebergskulle lock

The first lock connecting Lake Vänern with the Göta River

The lock at Brinkebergskulle is located just south of Vänersborg and is the northernmost lock of the six locks that regulate the waterway between Lake Vänern and the North Sea. The lock connects the dug canal Karls Grav that goes from Lake Vänern, to the Göta River.

Vänersborg's only lock

The Brinkebergskulle lock was completed in 1752 by scientist Christopher Polhem, who was commissioned to arrange a waterway for boat traffic to get past the Trollhättan Waterfalls. The current lock that is in use today was built in 1916. The height difference is 6 meters and approximately 3500 recreational boats pass by here each year and about 15 cargo ships every day. 

Visit the Brinkebergskulle lock and watch the boats travel up and down the lock, it's a pleasure for the whole family. There is also a café open during summer where you can sit down and enjoy the surroundings. 

The dug canal that leads the boat traffic from Lake Vänern to Göta River is called Karls Grav and offers beautiful walks and bicycle paths along the canal, a perfect excursion on a beautiful day. Nearby is also the Restad Gård area of Vänersborg with beautiful park areas close by the waters of Göta River. 

Trollhätte Canal

The lock at Brinkebergskulle is a part of the Trollhätte Canal and is operated by the Swedish Maritime Administration. The Trollhätte Canal is 82 km long, 10 km of these is a dug canal, the rest is natural river. The height difference of 44 meters is overcome by six locks, one at Lilla Edet where the difference is 6 meters, four at Trollhättan with a combined height difference of32 meters and the one at Brinkebergskulle with about 6 meters difference.

You can read more about travelling by pleasure boat in the Trollhätte Canal in this broschure from the Swedish Maritime Administration (PDF).

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