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Five people with rucksacks walking on a smaller asphalt road along the lush green and blue sky.

Photographe: Föreningen Pilgrimsled mellan Hjo och Kungslena

Walk and hike in the natural beauty of Tidaholm.

Hälsans stig 

Easy walking loop in Tidaholm without a given starting point. The loop is circa 5.5 km long and there are routes connecting to the centre.

Address: Tidaholm, 522 30 Tidaholm

Phone: +46 502 60 62 08

E-mail: turistbyran@tidaholm.se

Website: naturkartan.se/sv/halsansstig/halsans-stig-tidaholm



Kapellstigen (Chapel trail) on Hökensås is a walk for body and soul. The trail goes between Havsjöberg and Blåhults chapel and is 3 km long. 

Address: Havsjöberg, 522 91 Tidaholm

Phone: +46 502 197 70


Motionsspår och skidspår på Hellidsberget (Exercise tracks and ski tracks on Hellidsberget)

On Hellidsberget hill in Tidaholm, there are exercise tracks of varying lengths. In winter the tracks are prepared for cross-country skiing.

Address: Hellidsberget, 522 94 Tidaholm

Phone: +46 502 109 77

E-mail: info@tidaholmssoksisu.se

Website: tidaholmssoksisu.nu


Norra rundan (The North Circuit)

Norra Rundan is about a five-kilometre-long walking or cycling track just north of Tidaholm. During the tour you will come upon forest landscapes as well as open fields and pastures.

Address: Tidaholm, 522 32 Tidaholm

Phone: +46 502 60 62 08

E-mail: turistbyran@tidaholm.se


Pilgrimsleden Hjo-Kungslena

Pilgrimsleden (The pilgrims trail), Hjo-Kungslena is 44 kilometres long. The trail offers hiking through a varied cultural landscape. 

Phone: +46 502 60 62 08

E-mail: info@pilgrimsledhjokungslena.se

Website: www.pilgrimsledhjokungslena.se


Stadsvandring i Tidaholm (Town Walks in Tidaholm)

Town walks take you past buildings and locations that are significant in Tidaholm’s history. The suggested walking route begins on Vulcanön Island. Download map and information here

Address: Vulcans väg 5, 522 30 Tidaholm

Phone: +46 502 60 62 08

E-mail: turistbyran@tidaholm.se


Vandringsled i Grimmestorpsreservatet (Walking trails in Grimmestorp Reserve)

There is a walking trail in Grimmestorp Nature Reserve. The stretch is 2.3 km long with wide paths in beautiful scenery.  

Phone: +46 502 60 62 08

E-mail: turistbyran@tidaholm.se


Vandringsled Kungslena (Kungslena walking trail)

Starting at Kungslena church, a walking trail goes up to Högeklint and a BBQ spot with panoramic views over the countryside. The walk down from the hill passes the ruins of Lenaborg.

Address: Kungslena, 522 93 Tidaholm

Phone: +46 502 60 62 08

E-mail: turistbyran@tidaholm.se


Vandringsleder på Hökensås (Walking trails on Hökensås)

The beautiful landscape of Hökensås with its gentle rolling pine-clad hills is relatively easy walking. The loops of circular trails from First Camp Hökensås Campsite vary between 2 and 19 km.

Address: Hökensås, 522 91 Tidaholm

Phone: +46 502 60 62 08

E-mail: turistbyran@tidaholm.se


Västra Vätterleden (Western Vätterleden)

The southern section of the Western Vätterleden trail goes up Hökensås with its marked ridges, lingonberry forest and many small lakes. Stage 6, which is 23 km long, goes from Baståsen to Hökensås Campsite and Holiday Village, and stage 7, which is 17 km long, goes from Hökensås Campsite and Holiday Village to Fagerhult.

Address: Hökensås, 522 91 Tidaholm

Phone: +46 502 60 62 08

E-mail: turistbyran@tidaholm.se



Ånastigen path stretches south from Tidaholm Campsite. You can walk along pleasant paths beside the water along the River Tidan, and on gravel paths by fields and pastures.

Address: Tidaholm, 522 30 Tidaholm

Phone: +46 502 60 62 08

E-mail: turistbyran@tidaholm.se



The Ödegårds path is about a three kilometre long walking loop on the edge of Ekedalen, which passes the remains of a lime producing industry, housing that was built in conjunction with the industry and a planted deciduous forest.

Address: Ekedalen, 522 93 Tidaholm

Phone: +46 502 60 62 08

E-mal: turistbyran@tidaholm.se