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City Walk in Tidaholm

Historical stroll through Tidaholm

A walk through the city along the babbling waters of Tidan River. The city walk takes you to buildings and places that are significant in Tidaholm's history.

Historical Stroll

Tidaholm was granted city status in 1910, and many buildings and historical sites still hold great importance today. When you take the city walk, you will experience how the urban environment has evolved into what it is today. Along the suggested route, there are signs with information about culturally significant places. Some of the places and buildings highlighted include Bröderna Holmviks' corner on Vulcanön, the library area, Turbinhusön with its blacksmith cottages and an old turbine house, Agnetorp's old church, Central Square, and the Train Station Building.

Suggested Route

You begin the walk on Vulcanön, where the Vulcan Match Factory was once located, and then follow the river called Tidan via the library building and Von Essen Square to Turbinhusön. The path crosses a bridge and returns on the other side of Tidan, passing by Klappebryggan and Agnetorp's old church site. Finally, you will pass Tidaholm Church, the Courthouse, Old Square, and Birger Andersson Square before returning to Vulcanön.

A detailed map with information about the various sites you'll pass is available at
Tidaholm Tourist Information.

Informations relatives au contact

Stadsvandring i Tidaholm

Vulcans väg 5

522 30 Tidaholm

Téléphone: +46 502 60 62 08

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