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Ingemars Norwegian Lobsters

- a delicacy at the Nobel Prize dinner

At "Centrumbryggan" in Fjällbacka you will find the fishing boat M/S Mira. The shipmaster Ingemar Granqvist has been a professional fisherman for over 20 years, mainly fishing lobster and Norwegian lobster in traps. In the summer, Ingemar and Mira offer guided tours of the archipelago, as well as fishing tours, 

- We go out at 7 am so it doesen't suit anyone who is tired in the morning. I have had traps out since March, and the guests are welcome to join the fun of catching the lobster, Ingemar tells us. And you can almost be certain that there will be something in the traps.


- I have around 800 traps out. Even if it's hard the check all of them in one day, there are usually Norwegian lobsters in a few of them. M/S Mira is based in Fjällbacka and Ingemar has been a fisherman here since 1990.

- People have many questions about fishing but also about other stuff. Since I also do the archipelago tour I guess you can say that the fishing tour is a combination of both, with some tales about the different islands when we go out to check the traps, he tells us.


The Norwegian lobsters are usually boiled on the ship, depending on if they are going to an auction or to ta grocery shop. If Ingemar har guests on the boat he makes sure to boil some either way.

- They usually say that they have never eaten such good Norwegian lobsters before. Of course they are completely fresh, but I think they also taste better when you have caught them yourself, Ingemar explains. This year M/S Mira will also have tours for mackarel fishing,


Ingemar and his colleague Ove Leandersson and Kalle Kahlman also manage the trading company Fjällbackakräftan. The company has developed a closed system for storage of living Norwegian lobsters in water tanks. They are shipped to the customer whilst they are still alive in special boxes within 24 hours. You cannot find fresher Norwegian lobsters than these. Some places and events where people have enjoyed these delicacies include the Nobel Prize dinner 2014, the Royal wedding 2015, and luxurios restaurants throughout Europe etc. The Swedish kocklandslaget won the WC-silver medal using Norwegian lobsters from Fj'ällbacka in 2010.