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The Weather Islands

The Weather Islands consists of a few hundred islands, rocky islands and islets in the Skagerrak. The entire archipelago is located in Tanum and is located 13 km west of Fjällbacka. Väderö fjord separates the islands from the mainland.

On The Weather Islands, which has one of Sweden's warmest and windiest climates, there is one of Bohuslän's largest seal colonies. The different climate offers an exciting combination of lush greenery and barren vulnerability. Ornithologists, anglers, divers and nature lovers have plenty to discover in the islands, both above and below sea level. June 9, 2012 inaugurated the new nature reserve.

2005 opened Väderöarna inn which today has both rooms, restaurant and dockcafe. The old coast pilot marina remains and is a small safe marina today. The archipelago can additionally boasts several amazing natural harbors. These can be reached by boat from Hamburgsund or Grebbestad.

History and curiosities

The Weather Islands was long considered to be impossible to occupy due to the windy weather and the harsh environment. Seafarers have been locked up here since the 1400s in many of the island's natural harbors and you can now find several carvings on the island e.g. the compass rose. During the 1700s started coast pilot operations and coast pilot families lived on the island until 1966. They were at most five families, twelve adults, seventeen children, a teacher and three maids.

The Weather Islands is today a so-called "kronholme" and is owned and managed by the National Property Board.

The meteorological station at the top of the island is part of SMHI's network of weather stations for coastal observations. Wind observations from this station mentioned in the Swedish shipping forecast in the Swedish media. The maximum measured wave along the Swedish coast was registered southwest of The Weather Islands during the storm Per 2007. Significant wave height was 10.2 meters.

Activities and attractions

For The Weather Islands you go partly to 'just be', dive, fish, paint, swim, sauna and hot tub, bird watch, watch seals,swim in the crystal clear salt water, walk among the rocks or walk the fine new nature trail that extends across the island with historical sites and is a fantastic nature experience.

Väderöarna Inn offers accommodation, conference and food and is open all year. There are over 30 beds in 16 simple but comfortable rooms. The inn's kitchen follows the sea, the weather and the seasons, and here the sea as the main supplier of raw materials.

The cafeteria is fully licensed.

Weddings, christenings, parties and celebrations are a common occurrence at the inn.

In addition to indulge in relaxing walks and swimming in the oceas, the inn has a series of activities to offer, storytelling evenings, live music evenings, swimming in the sauna and hot tub, boat trips in Väderö Archipelago, kayaking, fishing, lobster fishing, oyster evenings, tastings, Christmas, New Year celebrations mm.

Informations relatives au contact

Föreningen Väderöarnas Lotsutkik

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