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Tjärnö Aquarium

Visit the most species-rich aquarium in Sweden

Tjärnö Aquarium

During summer vacation period we welcome the public to this most species-rich aquarium in Sweden. Visitors can also study small living marine organisms in stereo microscope. Two marine biologists are present to answer questions, and give so-called Live presentations about i.e. oysters, lobster, crabs or jelly fishes. Film is shown in the auditorium. Kosterhavet Marine National Park is presented with exhibition. We sell postcards, posters and books.

See more and opening hours>>

Guided Tour

All year around companies, organisations etc. can book a guided tour of the Tjärnö Laboratory. The tour take count of previous knowledge and interests of the visiting group. The tour can consist of seeing ongoing university education, current research, research vessels, Tjärnö Aquarium and film. We inform about the sea in general, university education, research and marine environmental issues.

Maximum group size is 20 persons. The tour lasts normally 1,5 hour. We offer the tours workdays daytime, but if agreed upon groups can also visit during evenings and weekends.

Getting here: The Lovén Centre Tjärnö is located on the northern Swedish west coast, close to the Norwegian border, on the beautiful island of Tjärnö. The nearest town is Strömstad, 14 km away. It is about 160 km to Göteborg and the same distance to Oslo.


Informations relatives au contact

Tjärnö marina laboratorium

Hättebäcksvägen 7, Tjärnö

452 96 Strömstad

Téléphone: +46 31 786 96 21

E-mail: Envoyer un e-mail

Site web: Vers la page d'accueil