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Photographe: Åsa Dahlgren


Shrimp sandwiches and world-famous pier

Smögenbryggan in Sotenäs municipality has thousands of visitors from all over the world every year. Smögen offers wonderful archipelago settings, good food and comfortable places to stay.

Sweden’s most popular pier

It takes just under two hours to drive from Gothenburg to Smögen. After crossing Smögen Bridge from the centre of Kungshamn, you first arrive in the northern area called Hasselön, which has residential areas, fishing huts and beautiful countryside.

Continue for another five minutes and you come to Smögenbryggan, by far the most famous tourist spot in Bohuslän! The pier is almost 600 metres long and the many boathouses have been converted into shops, cafés and restaurants. Take a walk along the pier and enjoy the boating life, different archipelago activities, lively crowds in the summer season and a wide range of locally caught seafood in the bars and taverns, some of which are open all year round.

Photographe: Åsa Dahlgren

Fresh shrimp and archipelago tours

If you are an early bird, you can see the fishing boats as they bring their catches ashore, which you can later buy in one of the fish shops on Smögen. Don’t miss the fresh shrimp; it's a must when you visit Smögen.

Crayfish outside Smögen

Photographe: Tina Stafren

From Smögenbryggan there are a number of ferries to nearby Hållö and Kungshamn, as well as cruises along the beautiful Sotekanalen. Seal safaris or deep-sea fishing with local fisherman are more options to enjoy. Smögens Fiske & Skärgårdsturer and Smögens Fisketurer are there to help.

Enjoy great food on Smögenbryggan

If you are looking for the famous shrimp sandwich, Skärets Krog is highly recommended since it was here that their shrimp sandwich was first launched in the early 1930s. Another well-renowned restaurant is Musselbaren which offers gourmet pizzas, traditional Swedish food and of course, lots of mussels. Göstas Fiskekrog is right next to the fish and seafood shop, so you can also buy your favourite food as a take-away. The restaurant at Smögens Hafvsbad is well worth a visit.

Always close to the sea

There are many different forms of accommodation on Smögen: cabins, B&Bs, hostels and hotels, all of them close to the sea. The rich and famous used to flock around Hotell Smögens Hafvsbad in the good old days to enjoy seaweed baths and entertainment. These days you can enjoy luxurious spa-treatments and different bathing rituals instead of the traditional scrubbing with hard brushes. Other nice places to stay are Sea Lodge Smögen or Makrillvikens hostel.

Photographe: Jonas Ingman @ Bruksbild

Nordens Ark and Kuststigen

Twenty minutes east of Smögen is Nordens Ark, one of the most popular family attractions in Bohuslän, where you can see endangered species and indigenous Swedish animals. Get a close look at snow leopards, Siberian tigers, wolves and lynx, or let the kids cuddle rabbits and walk along the Ekopark trail.

If you enjoy long walks, the beautiful costal footpath, Kungsstigen, is very close by. The path meanders along the west coast through Smögen, Kungshamn, Bohus Malmön, Ramsvik, Hunnebostrand and Bovallstrand. You can walk it easily by dividing it into sections.

Photographe: Lukasz Warzecha LWimages Studio

Dating back to the 1500s

Fishermen used Smögen's protected harbour as early as the mid-1500s, and the first time Smögen was mentioned in writing was in 1594. The origin of the place name is believed to be "Smyghålet", as the small canal between the islands of Smögen and Kleven was called. The name has evolved over the years from Smögit, Smöenn, Smöget and Smygesund.

Tip! If you would like to experience Smögen without sharing it with thousands of summer tourists, why not come here in the spring or early autumn when the winds are still balmy.

Informations relatives au contact

Sotenäs Turism

Ångbåtspiren Hamngatan

456 31 Kungshamn

Téléphone: +46 523 66 55 50

E-mail: info@sotenasturism.se

Site web: sotenasturism.se