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Tourist information in Sotenäs

All year around you can contact the Tourist information in Kungshamn. Read more about where and when our other Tourist informations has open.

All year around you can contact us on phone +46 523 66 55 50 or mail: turism@sotenas.se

In Kungshamn you´ll find us in in the municipal building, Parkgatan 46, 456 80 Kungshamn. Open: Monday - Friday 10am - 2pm

Summertime in the central part of Kungshamn, in the harbour. Open every day june to august.

In Hunnebostrand we have a tourist office in the south part of the harbour. Open from the middle of june to the middle of august 9 am - 9pm

Smögens Info Point is open during the summer. You will find us 100 meters after the bridge to Smögen. Open from the middle of juni to the middle of august.

In Väjern, two kilometers north of Kungshamn, we have a Infopoint at the wellness center Tumlaren. Open almost every day, all year around.
