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Photographe: Skara kommun

Remningstorps arboretum

Hildur and Sven Wingquist’s foundation for forestry research built five arboretums on Remningstorp during the years 1936-1938. Arboretum number one is a real treasure, well worth a visit!

Japanese magnolia and dawn redwood

Arboretum number one contains a lot of different tree species with different origins. A few examples are sawara cypress, dawn redwood, Japaneese magnolia, silver maple, katsura, ginkgo and Japaneese sugi pine, only to mention a few.

Bockön – for a nice picnic

When you are at the arboretum, make sure to follow the path to Bockön which is a small headland in Acksjön. Around the headland, large old oaks grow in a circle. You will also find a barbeque spot with a great view. Keep right where the path splits in two, right after the arboretum.

Informations relatives au contact

Upplev Skara

Södra Kyrkogatan 2

53239 Skara

Téléphone: +46 511 325 80

E-mail: upplevskara@skara.se