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Poppels Bryggeri

Award-winning craft brewery arranges organic beer-tasting

Poppels Bryggeri in Jonsered’s Factories is a small, local brewery that has managed to become Sweden's largest organic brewery with its great craftsmanship. You can book a tour of the brewery, taste the beer and enjoy outstanding combinations of food and beer in the brewery’s traditional mill environment, which is only 10 minutes from Gothenburg centre.

Beerstination Jonsered

The Alingsås commuter train goes from Gothenburg Central Station twice every hour to Jonsered’s Factories. From there it is only a five-minute walk before you reach the "Beerstination" - Poppels craft brewery. The river Säveån races noisily outside the old mill and Poppel’s local brew comes frothing out of the taps in the brewery.

Guided tour of the brewery followed by a beer-tasting session

Poppels is run by proud beer enthusiasts who carry forward the thousand year old tradition with modern technology. The beer, which is organic nowadays, is brewed according to all the principles of the craft and has gained a number of prestigious awards. Poppels is Sweden’s largest organic brewery as well as the second largest craft brewery. Take a guided tour of the brewery and taste some of the beers that Poppels serves in their tasting sessions. Poppels Klunk is the name of the restaurant and brewing pub next door to the brewery. Well-chosen combinations of food and beer are served here and they are very popular, so book a table well in advance!

The blend master at work at the micro brewery Poppels Bryggeri.

Rural encounters along the river Säveån

The area around the brewery also offers experiences of the great outdoors along the cascading river Säveån, including the newly-opened Gotaleden footpath, Jonsered’s Gardens and lake Aspen for swimming. 


Informations relatives au contact


Fabriksstråket 9

433 76 Jonsered

Téléphone: +46

E-mail: info@poppels.se

Site web: poppelsolochmat.se/