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Photographe: Ingemar Pettersson ipnaturfoto.se

Salmon fishing


Örekilsälven in Munkedal is known for being one of the best fishing
waters in the area, where the Atlantic salmon thrive. 

Already in the Middle Ages fishing was carried out in the river by the local monks.
In May the salmon begin their journey upstream and some weigh more than ten kilos. Each year, up to 300 salmon are caught in the river during the fishing season. 
A fishing license is required.

For more information and fishing licence read here.

Informations relatives au contact

Örekilsälvens laxfiske

Örekilsvägen 2

45533 Munkedal

Téléphone: +46

E-mail: Envoyer un e-mail

Site web: orekil.com