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A clean coastline

Sweden is often associated with neatness and a clean landscape. This is something most people, both locals and tourists, take for granted. But the Bohus Coast is more prone to receive garbage from the sea than one would like to think. The good news is that everyone can help to clean up the shore!

Click here to read more about the cleaning of beaches in Lysekil municipality and see the beach terrestrial map (swedish only, but can easily be translated with your favorite translator).  

Last year, a total of 18 tonnes of garbage was collected during the period April to September. It was the municipality, individuals, the local schools, and associations that contributed with sacks of garbage, and the nature conservation team from the city of Lysekil picked it up and then sorted it for recycling. 

During 2018, the nature conservation team plans to be outdoors and beachside collecting garbage recurring throughout the year, and not only during the summer.

The collected litter has been sorted into the following fractions:
• Hard plastic
• Soft plastic
• Seaweeds with pieces of plastic
• Fishing gear etc
• Metal
• Glass
• Dishware

What can I do? 

The most important thing you can do is to not throw any garbage in our precious nature! Throw it in garbage bins or recycle it in one of the recycling stations. Pick up garbage if you see it lying on the ground. 
If you decide to clean our beaches more profoundly, you can contact Lysekil Council Contact Center, tel +46 523 613000, mail kontaktcenter@lysekil.se or visit Kungsgatan 44, Lysekil.

Right of public access - a unique opportunity

Are you familiar with all the unique public rights you have access to in Sweden?

Read more of your right of public access

Informations relatives au contact

Lysekils kommun

Kungsgatan 44

453 80 Lysekil

Téléphone: +46523-61 30 00

E-mail: kommun@lysekil.se