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Stormy Koster Sea.

Photographe: Anders Tysklind

When you should visit the Park

Visit from May to September, enjoying the colourful spring blooms, bright summer flowers and Midsummer festivals through to the autumn when it's all about the lobster parties and shellfish safaris that end with a delicious feast.


Watch for the Eurasian oystercatcher and listen to the eider ducks' “aouh” when they gather in large flocks in coves and straits. Walk around among seas of hepaticas and wood anemones or meadows with orchids.


Swim and snorkel, fish for littoral crabs from the jetty. Walk along the beaches and look for flowering sea holly, known locally as Koster thistles. Go on a boat trip to the outer archipelago and watch seals.


Paddle a kayak in a sea that is still warm, enjoy tranquillity after an intensive summer. If you are lucky, a seal might surface right next to your kayak or else you might see the dorsal fin of a porpoise breaking the surface of the water.


Hike along the beaches and look for egg capsules from skates, mussel shells and other material the storms have washed ashore. Be on the lookout for white-tailed eagles or gannets and storm birds that the blustery winds carry in towards the coast.