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Photographe: Christiane Dietz

Travel to Bengtsfors

Here you can find information on how to easily get to Bengtsfors.


The nearest train stations are in Åmål and Dals Ed. To buy tickets, download the SJ app. There you can buy tickets and get both traffic information and tickets directly on the phone. You can also book tickets on the SJ website www.sj.se

During summer time there is a tourist train www.dvvj.se  between Bengtsfors and Mellerud, which runs twice a day.

For travel with NSB (from the train station in Dals Ed) to Norway, tickets can be purchased at www.nsb.no 


Bus tickets are purchased at www.vasttrafik.se or by downloading the Västtrafik To Go app. Also at Coop Konsum here in Bengtsfors you can buy a card which you can charge, both cheaper and faster than buying travel tickets.

For longer trips from Sweden and Europe, www.flixbus.se is an option.


For domestic flights there are the airports in Karlstad and Trollhättan. For international flights, the Gardemoen in Oslo and Landvetter in Gothenburg are the closest. 

Ferry / Car

The nearest big harbor is in Gothenburg, prices and further information can be found here: www.stenaline.se, to find other connections we reccomend this link

 Bengtsfors Tourist Information will gladly help you with questions regarding travel to and from Bengtsfors, mail to: turist@bengtsfors.se or call +46 (0) 531-52 63 55.